Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Philosophies Have Consequences

In my notes, I have subtitled a running theme in my novels "War of the Utopians" or "Immanentize the eschaton" =

The underlying theme(s) permeating layers of plot and subtext of Series One—the fear we may not survive the future or the horrors of that survival. My stories deal with science fictional topics set in present and future. Factions of villains (human and otherwise) are trying to force their future(s) into existence at the expense of us all. I do not hold the opinion that utopianism=fascism, but understand arguments and real threats. The anarcho-primitivists, post-humanists, religious fundamentalists all look forward to an "apocalypse" to wash away everything so their order of choice can thrive. Many people die in their scenarios and they see it a necessary step/sacrifice. Current systems that must go extinct are going to fight. Neoliberal globalism/free market capitalism, conservatism, neo-conservatism, state socialism and so many political philosophies have been proven failures of theory and practice costing real lives.

Evolution is a big theme. I am a humanist, so I see potential for moral evolution and believe it should be strived for. So what if humans are cloned or people can design their babies? Why can't we improve ourselves? Fear of progress is returning with a vengeance. The right is ramping up links to social Darwinism/eugenics to progressivism.(as evidenced by Ben Stein's Creationist propaganda movie and Jonah Goldberg's sleight of hand reframing fascism as on the left of the political spectrum, thus liberals are fascists/Stalinists in waiting ) The bio-conservatives' argument permeates in arguments from left/right. I feel anti-utopianism reeks of anti-humanism. I am trying to make the point that these competing and related Enlightenment-19th century political strains-- secular and religious. Religious examples: theocratic fundamentalisms and fascism within New Age thought. Anti-humanist religious attitudes like in Christianity. I will touch pros/cons, but don't resolve every single argument (like in reality). I touch on how politics is portrayed in SF. Libertarianism and anarchism in SF is a big theme. Like how H.G. Wells' utopianism was very proto-fascist as seen in "Things to Come". Violent force is portrayed as acceptable to achieve the honorable goal. Boiled down to 3 simpler ideas:

1 -Order. 2- Human lust for power.3-violence

I disagree heavily with Gattica/Jurassic Park arguments and cringe hearing all sides use them. Lots of good ideas in many philosophies---horrific when applied to reality—case in point religion, the neoconservatism, neoliberalism, conservatism, objectivism, liberalism, and even socialism. Countless many who think they have the answer for how we should live, conveniently putting them at top as boss. I will post real life political subjects, news, documentaries weaving into these themes.

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